By Using Your Passions To Guide You
Your purpose is waiting for you whether you are on the search to find it or not. I think that it is completely normal to have that feeling of “I should be doing something more” or “I need to figure out what I’m doing with my life”. It’s also normal to want to find your purpose and it can be frustrating when it isn’t clear what that purpose is or you have an idea and need help Finding Your Power In An Imperfect World. For most of us, we grow up and spend the first eighteen years of our lives going to school. Our days are planned out for us and once we graduate from school, we are either expected to go to college or find a job. It seems easy enough for awhile, until we get that nagging feeling that we need to figure everything out all at once.
If you decide to go the college route, you pick a major, commit to four years, more if you choose to get a graduate degree, you graduate, and then it’s time to find a job. If you’re already working, you may find that you love your job or you may find that you have no idea what you want to do with your life and that is completely okay!
We spend the first part of our lives knowing exactly what we’re meant to be doing every single day and then we get to a certain age and we get to choose and it is scary, amazing, and overwhelming all at the same time. Some of us are lucky enough to know our whole lives exactly what we want to do, some of us want to do everything, and some of us have no idea where to even begin. There are so many options out there, but having to pick just one can be paralyzing.
“It is so much pressure to feel like you have to know your purpose and plan out your whole entire life”.
It is so much pressure to feel like you have to know your purpose and plan out your whole entire life. I used to think that I had to know all of the answers and have a set plan, but every time I decided to do something because I “should” do it, it never really worked out the way I had intended it to. While I was in college I started doing haircuts in my dorm room because I thought it was fun. I would be lying if I said I knew what I was doing, but it was what started my journey as a hairstylist. I decided to go to hair school simply because of the fact that I loved cutting hair. If someone had told me that I would be a hairstylist one day, I would have laughed at them because it was never even on my radar. Something about it just felt right to me and I chose to follow it.
I always wanted to study psychology, but being a hairstylist was a way to connect with people and learn about emotions in a way that I don’t think I could have ever completely grasped from a textbook. I was never a great student because I always preferred to learn things hands on and by experience. Becoming a hairstylist gave me the opportunity to learn all of the things I wanted to learn in a way that I never could have planned and on top of that, I absolutely loved my job. I spent my days talking with friends and growing relationships with my clients that turned into a second family to me. Never in my life did I think that I would become a hairstylist, but I followed something that I enjoyed and during those years I had no idea that I was preparing myself to eventually be a life coach.
After reading the book, “Eat, Pray, Love”, the topic of holistic healing sparked my interest. I loved how Elizabeth Gilbert talked about meeting new people, traveling the world, trying new foods, and alternative remedies. My Sister gave me the book because it reminded her of me; the author likes to talk and eat just as much as I do. Around the time I read that book, I was coming out of a breakup and seeing how the author was able to change her life around in a year gave me the inspiration to do the same. I started reading more about nutrition, natural healing, and self help books because I wanted to learn anything I could to help myself and other people. It became a passion of mine and I found a new love of learning.
While I was busy learning about anything that fell into my lap, my clients were coming to me with their own issues. So, I would go home and read about anything I could find to help them and that’s how I ended up on the coaching path. It wasn’t something that I could have ever guessed or planned, life just brought me to this point. At one point I even did mortgages for a year and even though that job didn’t pan out, I still use tools that I learned from that job all of the time.
“Follow your intuition and your passions and naturally, your life will change and evolve”.
Life is all about trial, error, and exploring. Don’t feel like you have to know exactly what you’re meant to be doing. Follow your intuition and your passions and naturally, your life will change and evolve. If you’re not happy with where you’re at and need to get things moving, check out “The Low Risk Way To Change Your Life” or join my “Small Weekly Challenges To Create Big Life Changes”. Don’t ever be worried about failing or making mistakes, you will learn from them and you will grow. You’ll meet new people, try new jobs, visit different places, learn new things, and as you’re doing all of that, you will slowly be filling in the pieces to the puzzle that is your life.
If I were to give you a small puzzle piece, you would have no idea what you’re looking at. I could give you ten more random pieces and it still might not make sense, but as they start to come together, the picture becomes a little bit clearer one piece at a time. Go live your life, collect those experiences, and don’t worry about having to know what you “should” be doing or what your purpose is. You are exactly where you’re meant to be and you’re learning exactly what you need to be learning. It may not make sense in this moment, but it will someday. Timing plays a huge role in so many things and sometimes you can’t know things until it’s the right time to know them. Until then, enjoy the journey and trust that your intuition is guiding you in the right direction. Finding your purpose isn’t one single discovery, it is a journey with many new discoveries along the way. Let your passions be your guide.